Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Thank heavens for the slow summer season at S.E. Needham Jewelers for if it weren't for that I wouldn't be able to set up my new blog! Life gets busy and not having access to the Internet at home makes getting online difficult but enough with the excuses! Adam and I are doing very well, as are the kids- Charli our brown eyed beauty and Norman our sweet little boy. For those unaware no, Adam and I do not have children we have dogs we treat like children (minus the kenneling, but then again cribs do serve a purpose). We have recently discovered that we are moving down the street to an adorable two story home. I will send pictures! We have lived in the same house ever since we got married so it will be a fun change plus more room! You all are welcome to come stay. I'm not bitter or anything but I would like everyone to know that we have not received a visit from ANY family member since our marriage over a year ago. Jonathan did come up for a work thing and was able to go to lunch with me but THAT'S IT. So, when I say anyone is welcome to come stay with us I mean it, we have room. I'll send pictures of our new digs when we get settled.


Gina and Jon said...

Jonathan and I were just talking about you and how we wanted to come up and visit here in like the next month! So we should plan something fun to go do! By the way I'm glad you have a blog and I'm excited to see your new house pic's!

Kristen said...

Hillary --

Cool blog! I am excited to read about all your adventures. For some reason, the colors on your page don't come up well in my computer and it makes it hard to read. Does anyone else have this problem?

I hope to read & comment more!

Tylershark said...

Good to hear from you two. I think the color scheme is very chic, so avant-garde. Don't listen to Kristen. Who says brown on brown is hard to read? Everyone here has found the comments even though they were hidden. It helps to weed out the unwelcomed.

By the way I don't think you have visited us since you've been married either. You know, your parents live here in town too. You should stop by some time.

Camari said...

I'm so glad you have a blog, now we can keep track of each other a little better...since you don't EVER CHECK YOUR MYSPACE ANYMORE!!! Oh well, no hard feelings! lol